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User Agreement of "SME Business Navigator"

User Agreement of "SME Business Navigator" and "Portal of SME Business Navigator"

1. General

1.1. Joint-stock company “Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation” (JSC "RSMB Corporation") provides the user of the internet (hereinafter - the User) to use geomarketing information analysis system "SME Business Navigator", designed to provide information services to small and medium business (hereinafter - SMBs) located on the internet at, https://navigator.смбн.рф/ (hereinafter - the Navigator), and the Portal of "SMB Business Navigator" on the internet at, https://смбн.рф/ (hereinafter - the Portal), under the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

1.2. Access to the information and features of the Portal and the Navigator is granted in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of this Agreement and Privacy Policy (hereinafter - the Policy).

1.3. This Agreement shall become effective from the date of its publication on the internet at

1.4. The Policy shall be published on the internet at

1.5. The User registered on the Portal in accordance with this Agreement and Policy, shall be considered to have accepted in full the terms and conditions of this Agreement and Policy. In case if disagreement with any provision of this Agreement and Policy, the User may not use the Navigator and (or) the Portal.

1.6. The terms and conditions of this Agreement may be modified by JSC "RSMB Corporation" without specific notice to the User. The new version of the Agreement shall become effective from the date of its publication on the internet at the address specified in paragraph 1.3 of this Agreement.

1.7. If JSC "RSMB Corporation" has made modifications to the Agreement in accordance with paragraph 1.6 of this Agreement, with which the User does not agree, the User shall stop using the Navigator and (or) the Portal.

1.8. The Navigator and (or) the Portal shall grant the User free access to analytical, geomarketing, background and statistical information and features of the systems in accordance with the login level (role) in the Personal Account of the Portal.

1.9. JSC "RSMB Corporation" is the operator of the Navigator and the Portal.

1.10. The Portal may contain links to other information systems, the right of use of which Copyright holders provide to the Users of information systems under the Terms of Use of these systems, referenced in Section 4 of this Agreement.

1.10. The operation of the Navigator and the Portal shall be provided daily from 00:00 to 24:00 Moscow time.

1.11. The operation of other information systems within the Portal is provided under the Terms of Use of these systems, referenced in Section 4 of this Agreement.

1.12. For technical support and questions regarding the work with the Navigator and the Portal, the Users may contact round-the-clock by phone 8 (800) 100-11-00 or by applying in the Personal Account of the Portal or using feedback form on the Portal home page.

2. Information about the Navigator, Portal and information systems within the Portal

2.1. The Navigator is a geomarketing information analysis system designed to solve the following problems:

a) granting access of SMEs to the consolidated information, including:

  1. information on the market environment, including the level of socio-economic development of municipalities, on the competitive environment; on the current consumption of goods and services;
  2. a set of typical business plans for localized businesses within walking distance specified in Annex No. 1;
  3. information on the implemented supportive measures for SMEs;
  4. information on the availability and usability of regional and municipal SME support infrastructure;
  5. information on the offers of nonstate property and the sale of ready-made business.

2) providing geoinformation decision support to SMBs in the process of search and analysis of free market niches, including the access of SMEs to basic spatial and specific data using the methods and tools of geoinformation analysis on the territory of 76 cities listed in Annex No. 2;

3) enabling the development of typical (suggested) business plans with a set of typical business plans on the territory of 76 cities listed in Annex No. 2.

2.2. The Navigator consists of the following major sections:

  • "Selecting business";
  • "Supportive measure";
  • "Real estate";
  • "Analytics";
  • "Help".

2.2.1. Section "Selecting business"

Within this section system features for the calculation of key indicators of a typical (suggested) business plan (business plan summary), as well as the development of a typical (suggested) business plan with the possibility of saving it in various formats, are published .

2.2.2. Section "Supportive measure"

Within this section the information on five SME support units is published:

  1. Financial support;
  2. Procurement plans of the major customers;
  3. Information and marketing support;
  4. Property support;
  5. Legal support.

"Financial support". This subsection contains information about the location of bank branches - partners of JSC "RSMB Corporation" on the territory of 76 cities (Annex No. 2) and credit programs of these banks. The subsection also contains information about regional organizations that make up SME financial support infrastructure.

"Procurement plans of the major Customers". The subsection contains the approved procurement plans of the major customers (partially government-owned companies), which include those allocated procurement quota for SMEs.

"Information and marketing support". The subsection contains information about the export centers, innovation and production infrastructure, multifunctional centers, consulting infrastructure, property infrastructure (technology parks and business incubators) and other SME support infrastructure in the form of corresponding layers on the map of the Navigator.

"Property support". The subsection contains information on state-owned property to be provided to SMEs and clear of all liens and encumbrances.

"Legal support". The subsection contains information on the laws and regulations and other information regarding SME legal support.

2.2.3. Section "Real estate"

This section contains information on the market offers for sale/lease of commercial real estate, including land lots and buildings, as well as the sale of ready-made business. The data are presented as a layer on the map of the Navigator.

2.2.4. Section "Analytics"

Within this section the functions of the system for display and filtering analytical and statistical information on the goods, works and services, as well as reporting according to the data from Federal Service of State Statistics and investigations by order of JSC "RSMB Corporation", are published.

2.2.5. Section "Help"

This section contains background information on the Navigator, its features, as well as the guidelines for the sections of the Navigator.

2.3. The Portal is an information system that provides a single access point to the information analysis systems of JSC "RSMB Corporation" on the internet and represents a combination of software and hardware components of processing and granting user access to information and analytical services of JSC "RSMB Corporation" within SME information and marketing support.

2.4. The Portal consists of the following major sections:

  • "Homepage";
  • "Information systems";
  • "Help";
  • "News of SME Portal";
  •  "Personal Account".

2.4.1. Section "Homepage"

This section is intended for general information about the information analysis systems of JSC "RSMB Corporation" for SME information and marketing support.

2.4.2. Section "Information systems"

This section contains a list of information systems of JSC "RSMB Corporation" and partner services of JSC "RSMB Corporation" suitable for going directly into the system or getting information about them.

2.4.3. Section "News of SME Portal"

This section contains news and events about information resources of JSC "RSMB Corporation".

2.4.4. Section "Help"

The section contains background information about the Portal and other information analysis systems of JSC "RSMB Corporation" and partner services of JSC "RSMB Corporation", Portal features, as well as the Portal sections guidelines, User Agreement and Privacy Policy.

2.4.5. Section "Personal Account"

The section is intended for the authorization and storage of the data and settings of the Users logged on the Portal and the Navigator.

2.5. The composition and content of other information systems within the Portal are indicated in the Terms of Use of these systems, referenced in Section 4 of this Agreement.

3. General Terms of Use of the Navigator, Portal and information systems within the Portal, liability of infringement when using them

3.1. Intellectual property, the rights to which are owned by the respective Copyright holders, as well as information provided by its holders, is published within the Portal and the Navigator.An exhaustive list of the information, as well as Copyright holders and holders of information (hereinafter - the Copyright holders), is presented in section 4 of this Agreement.

3.2. The intellectual property, and the information contained in the Portal and the Navigator, are used by the Users, within the limits specified by Sections 3 - 4 of this Agreement, Part 4 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law dated 27.07.2006 No. 149-FZ "On Information, Information Technologies and Data Protection".

3.3. JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall have a right to restrict the User's access to the Navigator and the Portal (or to their specific features) using their account or block the account of the User if there is violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or the Policy, or take other measures against the User in order to ensure compliance with legal requirements or the rights and legitimate interests of third parties.

3.4. Information published in the Navigator and on the Portal, including spatial data, is designed for commercial use by the User within the activity aimed at setting up new business, maintenance or development of existing small and medium business, unless expressly provided by the the legislation of the Russian Federation or specified by individual Copyright holders in accordance with section 4 of this Agreement.

3.4.1. Copying of information, acquired via the Navigator or the Portal, is allowed by the User only for purposes in connection with the setting up (development, maintenance) of small or medium business from the list in Annex No. 1, within the basic activity of incorporated or unincorporated business, as well as for personal use (backup copy).

3.4.2. Other copying of information, its reproduction, processing, distribution, open access publishing on the internet, any use in the media and (or) for commercial purposes without prior written permission of the Copyright holders is prohibited.

3.5. When using information from the Portal or the Navigator, a reference to them as a source of information and the Copyrights holders, is obligatory.

3.6. The User shall bear responsibility provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation for violation under this Agreement of the limits of the use of information and the intellectual property contained in the Navigator and the Portal.

3.7. When using the Portal and the Navigator the User may not:

3.7.1. Personate without sufficient rights, use other forms and ways of illegal acting for the others on the internet, as well as confuse JSC "RSMB Corporation" in terms of properties and characteristics of any entity.

3.7.2. Upload or otherwise publish and (or) distribute information in the absence of the rights to do so under the law or any contractual relations, as well as upload or otherwise publish and (or) distribute information that infringes intellectual property rights.

3.7.3. Infringe the rights of third parties.

3.7.4. Upload or otherwise publish and (or) distribute any materials that contain malware or other computer codes, files or programs meant for disturbance, destruction or operation restriction of a computer, telecommunications equipment or software for unauthorized access.

3.7.5. Disturb proper operation of the Navigator or the Portal.

3.7.6. Publish links to internet resources, the content of which is illegal under the current legislation in the Russian Federation.

3.7.7. Promote actions aimed at violation of restrictions and prohibitions under this Agreement.

3.7.8. Otherwise break the statutes of the law, including statutes of international law.

3.8. Upon registration on the Portal, the User gives his/her consent in accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law dated 13.03.2006 No. 38-FZ "On Advertising" to receive information and advertising messages by e-mail, by means of the Navigator and the Portal, as well as via text messages, from the JSC "RSMB Corporation".

4. Information on the Copyright holders and the Terms of Use of the information

4.1. The results of market research of effective demand and current consumption of goods and services of various categories by households (citizens) in the target cities of the Russian Federation for the needs of JSC "RSMB Corporation".

4.1.1. The results of market research of the current consumption of goods and services of various categories by panel observations method are provided by JSC "RSMB Corporation"( ) on the basis of data on the current consumption of the goods and services of various categories, collected and analyzed by LLC "Romir Panel" ( ).

When using the information, a reference to the Navigator, JSC "RSMB Corporation", LLC" Romir Panel" is obligatory.

4.1.2. The results of market research of effective demand are provided by JSC "RSMB Corporation" ( ) based on consumer survey data, specially conducted by LLC "Romir Panel" (www.romir. ru) upon request of JSC "RSMB Corporation", in the form of analytical reports with text and graphic information in PDF-format.

When using the information, a reference to the Navigator, JSC "RSMB Corporation", LLC" Romir Panel" is obligatory.

4.2. The calculation of typical (suggested) business plans is based on the library with the key financial and economic and structural business indicators formed by JSC "RSMB Corporation".

When building the libraries, the database of structural non-financial indicators and financial and economic results of the Russian small and medium business created by ZAO "EvaBeta" ( was used.

When using the information a reference to the Navigator, JSC "RSMB Corporation", ZAO "EvaBeta" is obligatory.

4.3. Databases of commercial real estate, land lots and ready-made business facilities (hereinafter - the database), prepared by order of JSC "RSMB Corporation".

4.3.1. Exclusive rights for the database belong to JSC "RSMB Corporation" - © JSC "RSMB Corporation" 2016.

4.3.2. The databases include information on the market offer of the following real properties: land lots as part of settlement lands, industry lands and lands of other special designation, agricultural lands; commercial real estate; ready-made business facilities.

When using the information a reference to the Navigator and JSC "RSMB Corporation" is obligatory.

4.4. Geoinformation database that belongs to the Copyright holder of DoubleGIS, LCC, which includes the following entity types: organizations (points of interest and attraction), the population in households and public transport stopping points (stops) and the routes passing through them.

Terms of Use: "Data provided by 2GIS"

When using the information a reference to the DoubleGIS, LCC, the Navigator and JSC "RSMB Corporation" is obligatory.

4.5. Geoinformation data (address and geographical coordinates) from among the belonging to Copyright holder of DoubleGIS, LCC digital city plans of the Russian Federation, the content of which corresponds to the content of maps of specific type and scale, within a designated area.

Terms of Use: "Data provided by 2GIS"

4.6. City maps of the Russian Federation, belonging to to Copyright holder of DoubleGIS, LCC.

Terms of Use: "Data provided by 2GIS"

4.7. Maps "Sputnik" in the form of a raster-type schematic view of the area, created using intellectual property, the rights to which are owned by the respective Copyright holders.

Terms of Use:

4.8. Public tax map - © Rosreestr 2010-2016.

Terms of Use:

4.9. Yandex.Maps.

Terms of Use: .

4.10. Official statistics - 2010-2015 Federal State Statistics Service (,

Terms of Use: in accordance with paragraphs 10 and 11 of Article 5 of the Federal Law dated 29.11.2007 No. 282-FZ "On Official Statistical Accounting and State Statistics System in the Russian Federation," the official statistical information is within the public domain, requirements for its use are not imposed by the Copyright holders.

When using the official statistical information, a reference to the Federal State Statistics Service is obligatory.

4.11. The rights to information system - a program for the "TASS-Business" ECM belong to "TASS Information Technology", LLC.

Terms of Use are available on the internet at

4.12. The Navigator or the Portal may contain links to other websites on the internet (third party websites). Third parties and their content shall not be verified by JSC "RSMB Corporation" for compliance with any requirements (accuracy, completeness, legality, etc.), unless as expressly provided in the Navigator and (or) on the Portal. JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall not bear responsibility for the information and materials available at third party websites, to which the User gets an access when using the Navigator and (or) the Portal, including: any opinions or statements expressed at third party websites, advertising, etc., as well as for availability of these websites or content and consequences of their use by the User.

4.13. A link to a website, product, service, commercial or non-commercial information published in the Navigator and (or) on the Portal is not an endorsement or recommendation of these products, services, and activities on the part of JSC "RSMB Corporation", unless expressly provided in the Navigator and (or) on the Portal.

5. Terms of User registration and collecting information through the Personal Account of the Portal

5.1. The Users shall enter information about themselves upon registration on the Portal and in the future work using the Personal Account of the Portal under this Agreement and Policy.

5.2. The User shall bear responsibility for the compliance of the content and the reliability of the information with applicable statutory requirements, including third-party liability where the publishing by the User of any information or content of the information infringes the rights and legitimate interests of third parties, including authors’ moral rights, other intellectual property rights of third parties, and (or) encroaches on intangible benefits belonging to them.

5.3. The User shall agree that JSC "RSMB Corporation" has no obligation to review any information, posted by the User using features of the Personal Account of the Portal, as well as with the fact that the JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall have the right to deny the User to post any information, or delete any information, available through the Navigator features and (or) Personal Account of the Portal in the event that such information violates this Agreement or current legislation. The Users shall realize and agree that they should independently assess all the risks associated with the use of information, including the assessment of reliability, completeness or usefulness of the information.

5.4. The User shall also agree that the work method of the Portal and (or) the Navigator may require copying (reproduction) of the User information by JSC "RSMB Corporation", as well as its processing and storage by JSC "RSMB Corporation".

5.5. Upon registration the Users shall provide reliable and complete information about themselves as prompted in the registration form, and keep this information updated. If the user provides incorrect information or if JSC "RSMB Corporation" has reason to suppose that the information provided is incomplete or unreliable, JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall have the right to block or delete the User's account and deny the User to use the Portal and the Navigator (or their specific features).

5.6. JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall have the right to demand from the Users to confirm the information specified during the registration or entered by them in the future in the personal account, and request to provide the supporting documents in this regard, and failure to provide them can be equated by JSC "RSMB Corporation" to the provision of unreliable information and entail the consequences provided in paragraph 5.5 of this Agreement. If the User data specified in the submitted documents do not correspond to the data specified upon registration, as well as and where the data specified upon registration do not allow to identify the User, JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall have the right to deny the User access to the account and use of the Portal and Navigator services.

6. Access to the Navigator, Portal and information systems within the Portal. User Account

6.1. To access the Navigator, Portals and information systems within the Portal, the User shall complete the registration procedure in accordance with this Agreement and Policy.

The Users may become incorporated or unincorporated businesses, including SMEs, as well as their official representatives, individuals who are interested in getting access to the Navigator, Portal and information systems within the Portal, as well as government agencies and municipalities.

6.2. In the event of successful completion of the registration procedure in accordance with this Agreement and Policy the User shall be granted access to the Personal Account of the Portal, Navigator, as well as other information systems of JSC "RSMB Corporation" within the Portal (if available).

6.3. User's personal data obtained during the registration in the Personal Account of the Portal, are stored and processed by JSC "RSMB Corporation" in accordance with the Federal Law dated 27.07.2006 No. 152-FZ
 "On Personal Data" and the requirements of the guideline documents of Russian Federal Service for Technical and Export Control (FSTEC).

6.4. After the registration in accordance with this Agreement, the User shall have the right to activate access and start using the Portal, Navigator and information systems within the Portal to the extent and on the conditions under this Agreement and Policy.

In order to ensure the security of access to the Portal JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall have the right to block or prohibit the use of certain logins, as well as to specify login and password requirements (length, allowed characters, etc.).

6.5. The User shall agree that when using information systems within the Portal available for clickthrough on the Portal, JSC "RSMB Corporation" may send to similar information systems impersonal User data (user ID and its role), as well as publicly available information on incorporated and unincorporated businesses (taxpayer Identification number, All-Russian State registration number of incorporated and unincorporated businesses), specified by the User upon registration.

6.6. The User shall bear responsibility for safety (resistance to guessing) of the password chosen, and also ensure the confidentiality of the password. The User shall bear responsibility for all actions (and their consequences) within or when using the Portal and Navigator under the User account. It is forbidden to transfer data by the User to third parties to access the account. All actions within or when using the Portal and the Navigator under User account shall be considered to be taken by the User, unless the User, in compliance with clause 6.7 of this Agreement, notified the JSC "RSMB Corporation" of unauthorized access to the Portal and the Navigator using his/her account and (or) any violation (suspected violation) of confidentiality of the password.

6.7. The User shall immediately notify the JSC "RSMB Corporation" of any unauthorized (not authorized by the User) access to the Navigator and information systems within the Portal and (or) Personal Account of the Portal using his/her account and (or) any violation (suspected violation) of confidentiality of the password. The User shall ensure safe logout under his account (button "Exit") at the end of each work session with Navigator and information systems within the Portal, and (or) Personal Account of the Portal.

JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall not be liable for any potential loss or data corruption, as well as any other consequences that may arise from User's breach of this Agreement.

6.8. User may not reproduce, repeat, and copy, sell or resell, provide any services to third parties and use of any parts of the Portal, Navigator and information systems within the Portal (including the information available to Users through the functions of the Portal and the Navigator) or access to them for commercial purposes, unless the User obtained a permit from the JSC "RSMB Corporation".

6.9. The User shall have the right to delete his/her account access to the Navigator and information systems within the Portal, and (or) Personal Account of the Portal by applying JSC "RSMB Corporation" in the Personal Account of the Portal .

6.10. The account of JSC "RSMB Corporation" User may be deleted in the following order.

6.10.1. The account is blocked for one month, during which the published information and other user data are not deleted, but the access to them is impossible for the User.

6.10.2. If within the period specified in paragraph 6.10.1 of this Agreement, the User account is restored, the access to the information will be resumed to the extent at the time of blocking (except the information that violates the terms of this Agreement).

6.10.3. If within the period specified in paragraph 6.10.1 of this Agreement, the user account is not restored, all information posted there, will be deleted, and the login will be available for use by other Users. Since then, the restoration of the account, of any information relating to it, as well as access to the Portal and the Navigator using this account will be impossible.

6.11. The procedure specified in subparagraphs 6.10.1 - 6.10.3 of this Agreement (except for login availability for use by other Users), shall be also applied to the access ban to certain features of the Portal and the Navigator using a User account.

6.12. To enter the Navigator and information systems within the Portal, and (or) the Personal Account of the Portal the User authorizes only by provided login/password or through the federal state information system "Unified system of identification and authentication in infrastructure, providing information and technological interaction of information systems used for public and municipal services in electronic form "(hereinafter - USIA).

6.13. In the event of attempt of User authorization in the Navigator and (or) information systems within the Portal and (or) the Personal Account of the Portal by other means, JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall have the right to deny access of the User to the Navigator and (or) information systems within the Portal, and (or ) Personal Account of the Portal.

6.14. The use of the Navigator, information systems within the Portal and the Portal by means not provided under this Agreement and Policy, is not allowed. In the event of using other methods of download, and (or) publishing the information in the Navigator, information systems within the Portal and on the Portal, as well as in the event of User actions, affecting the performance of the Navigator, information systems within the Portal and the Portal, JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall have the right to deny access of the User to the Navigator, information systems within the Portal and the Portal.

6.15. When publishing information in the Personal Account of the Portal, JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall ensure storage of the specified information in the Personal Account of the Portal before decision-making by JSC "RSMB Corporation" on its removal from the Portal subject to the conditions under this Agreement.

6.16. JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall take organizational and technical measures to protect information and personal data of the User, saved in the Personal Account on the Portal and Navigator from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, and other illegal actions of third parties under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

7. No warranties, liability limitations

7.1. The User shall independently assess all the risks associated with the use (loss of use) of the features and information of the Portal, Navigator, information systems within the Portal, calculated, by means of the Navigator, typical (suggested) business plans, including an assessment of their relevance, reliability, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness .

7.2. JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall not ensure reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information of the Portal, Navigator, information systems within the Portal, calculated, by means of the Navigator, typical (suggested) business plans, the compliance of the features and information of the Portal, Navigator, information systems within the Portal in general and its individual components and (or) functions with requests, needs and expectations of the User.

7.3. The User shall bear responsibility for the use of any information, including databases and other services, including the partners of JSC "RSMB Corporation", the access to which the User gets with the use of the Portal, Navigator and information systems within the Portal, and the consequences of such use, as well as third party liability for their actions when using the Portal, Navigator and information systems within the Portal, including the fact that its actions comply with legal requirements and do not infringe the rights and legitimate interests of third parties. The User independently and at his/her own expense shall agree to settle all claims and (or) claims by third parties relating to the User actions when using the Portal, Navigator and information systems within the Portal.

7.4. JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall not bear responsibility and indemnify for losses, including damages, direct or indirect, caused to the User or third parties arising from the use or loss of use the features and information of the Portal, Navigator and information systems within the Portal.

7.5. All questions and claims related to the use (loss of use) of the Portal, Navigator and information systems within the Portal, as well as a possible violation of law and (or) the rights of third parties caused by the use of the Portal, Navigator and information systems within the Portal shall be addressed to JSC RSMB Corporation" in the manner specified in paragraph 1.12 of this Agreement, or at the following address: 109074, Moscow, 4 Slavyanskaya Square,
Building 1.

7.6. JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall not bear responsibility for poor internet connection of the User, as well as for improper work of the Internet access provider to which the User made a service contract.

7.7. The User agrees that typical (suggested) business plans provided by the Navigator are indicative, calculated using averages of business indicators and financial model that contains a number of assumptions, but reflect the current industry average practice of legal doing business in the regions of the Russian Federation.

7.8. The User shall understand that the results of the business, calculated by the Navigator, may differ from actual results due to the impact of a wide range of environmental factors, situational factors and the lack of business activity.

8. Miscellaneous

8.1. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Issues not governed by this Agreement, shall be settled in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. All possible disputes arising from relations governed by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Everywhere on the face of this Agreement, unless otherwise provided, the term "legislation" shall be understood as the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the residence the User.

8.2. Given that services provided under this Agreement are designed for business purposes, the rules concerning the protection of consumers' rights, provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation, shall not apply to relations between the User and the JSC "RSMB Corporation".

8.3. If whatever the reason, one or more provisions of this Agreement shall be considered invalid or void, this shall not affect the validity or applicability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement.

8.4. Lack of action on the part of JSC "RSMB Corporation" in the event of a breach of this Agreement by the Users shall not deprive JSC "RSMB Corporation" of its right to take appropriate steps to protect its interests later and shall not constitute a waiver of JSC "RSMB Corporation" from its rights in the event of such or similar violations in the future.

8.5. This Agreement is made in Russian.

8.6. To view and use the Navigator features, the Users may use the following internet browsers: Google Chrome, Yandex Browser, Apple Safari, Mozilla FireFox and Internet Explorer[1]. JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall not guarantee full operational capability of the Navigator when using other internet browsers.

8.7. JSC "RSMB Corporation" when working with the Navigator recommends using a screen resolution of desktop computer and (or) the laptop above 1280 x 1024. JSC "RSMB Corporation" shall not guarantee full display of the data in the Navigator when using lower screen resolutions, as well as on any mobile devices.


[1]During the trial operation, optimization of the Navigator is carried out with internet browser Internet Explorer.


  • Annex No. 1
  • Annex No. 2